Psoriasis on face symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis is one of the most unpleasant skin ailments. The most common psoriatic lesions on the limbs and torso. And can psoriasis be on your face? Alas, maybe it brings many unpleasant experiences for patients who suffer from this disease.

symptoms of psoriasis on the face

Symptoms of psoriasis on the face

The initial stage of psoriasis on the face usually occurs in the late fall or winter. At this time, the skin becomes particularly vulnerable. A harbinger of the disease is unbearable itching. Symptoms of the initial stage of psoriasis on the face is very similar to food allergies or regular skin irritation, red spots of small size (about pinhead size), localized mainly on the forehead or cheeks. However, over time they increase in size and merge to take the form of compacted nodules — papules are a pale shade of red. Especially intensively this occurs if the comb papules, which absolutely can not do because in their place can form scars. Gradually, the rash begins to cover the nasolabial triangle and the wings of the nose, frontal area, lips, to get under the hair, thrown on the ears, covering almost the entire front area.

Further signs of the disease can be described as "a combination of three phenomena":

  • Plaques envelop soft scales;
  • Further separation of scales beneath them is found red leather like covered with gloss (terminal protector);
  • If you continue to scrape the skin, it begins to deteriorate and float small droplets of blood (blood Rosa).

In adulthood the most common is seborrheic psoriasis on the face psoriasis with a characteristic "crown" — a cluster of papules on the border of the scalp. Purulent crusts, which in this form, burst, causing quite severe pain. For children is more typical of the kind of psoriasis of the skin, called teardrop. Early in the disease can be mistaken for a banal diathesis.


Psoriasis, including psoriasis on the face, not without reason, considered one of the most mysterious diseases. Debate about its etiology not subside until now. Among experts there are supporters of the primacy of the endocrine, autoimmune, psychosomatic theory, and lately becoming more and more popular genetic theory of the origin of psoriasis. To some extent this is confirmed by the ubiquitous statistics which claims that one in three of the four patients with this Dermatosis someone from relatives is also a carrier. Does not cause much controversy among experts, perhaps only three circumstances:

  • The disease is polietiologic nature to explain its origin reason fails;
  • This pathology can for years, even decades to drive in a stable remission, but the final cure it comes;
  • transfer of psoriasis is through direct contact is excluded: it is not contagious.

Whatever it was, but psoriatic rash that can cover almost any areas of the body, including those that are impossible to hide from the eyes of others, deliver psychological discomfort in the first place – the patient.

Types of psoriasis on the face

The disease has complex classification many varieties. The type of flow it can be divided into two large groups: those with pustular and pustular not flow. Interestingly, each species has its own "privilegium" the lesion. Especially do not fall under the General classification of separate types, for example, seborrheal such manifestations. This fact helps doctors to conduct accurate diagnosis, therefore, to choose the optimal tactics of treatment.

According to the degree of severity differ in mild and severe forms of psoriasis – depending on the total lesion size and systemic manifestations of the disease.

It should be noted that the face does not belong to the most typical sites of psoriatic lesions. In any case, the most typical seborrheic form of psoriasis vulgaris, which later extends to the border of the hairline and then, under it, producing at first glance appear to be just a of dandruff.

The stage of the disease

Psoriasis on the face there has been a rapid development owing to the sensitivity of the skin in this area. On the initial stage of psoriasis on the face we have already described in detail. It is followed by a stage called stationary, when platelets become light shades, the form becomes rounded papules with silvery scales. Typically, these metamorphoses occur within approximately one month after the occurrence of the disease.

The next stage is considered to be decaying. At this stage, the plaque almost does not stand out on the skin and pale. The desire to brush it passes, papules cincta dense and labrum corneum. Such a process lasts, on average, from two to six months.

how to treat psoriasis on the face

How to treat psoriasis on the face?

Treating disease engaged a dermatologist, and at the first suspicion on psoriasis visit to it should not delay: how long before he starts treatment, so faster facial psoriasis go into remission. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that psoriasis treatment is a long and complicated process. Any miracle remedies do not exist, and treatment involves a comprehensive solution using different mechanisms.

Ointment for psoriasis on the face

The most effective way of dealing with disease is external funds in the form of balms, lotions, creams. Wide application due to its effectiveness find ointments for the face from psoriasis: how hormonal and do not contain hormones. The first have a more powerful but short-lived effect, as they quickly lead to addiction and the subsequent new round of deterioration. Hormonal drugs treat, mainly psoriasis on the face in adults. Non-hormonal operate gradually, however, provide remission for a longer period.

Than to smear the face from psoriasis?

The following non-hormonal remedies for the treatment of psoriasis of the skin:

  • for the removal of peeling apply salicylic ointment, and combined salicylic -zinc gives anti-inflammatory effect and dries the skin affected;
  • excellent anti-inflammatory indications have ointments, in which there is tar or grease;
  • ointment of zinc protects the skin from the negative effects of the external environment, reduces swelling, fights inflammation;
  • the overwhelming effect on the diseased cells have ointments containing vitamin D;
  • antipruritic effect is famous for oil-containing drugs, which is especially important when the acute phase of the disease is ended and begins the healing;
  • to moisturize skin apply ointment based on herbal extracts with a content of calendula, celandine, chamomile and other medicinal plants.

Hormonal creams vary in their impact from mild to more powerful.

As a rule, ointments for the face from psoriasis should be applied before bedtime, when the body is in complete rest – the therapeutic effect is much higher.

Due to the numerous side effects of hormonal drugs should be used with great caution and only after instructions of the doctor. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited – it can lead to irreversible health effects.

Procedural therapy

In addition to these drugs applied physiotherapy.

Great sedation give daily electrosleep sessions that last from 20 minutes to half an hour for a minimum of weeks. Photochemotherapy and ultraviolet rays prescribed by the doctor during the periods of attenuation of disease and contribute to increase the time of remission. In some cases, can be assigned x-ray irradiation of the affected areas. Safer is considered to be laser therapy.

A great addition to the basic treatment is the health resort therapy.


As for drugs, they are only in obsolete and advanced forms in the treatment of seborrheic psoriasis on the face. These tools include, in particular:

  • cytotoxic agents that slow down the division epitelyarnyh cells, e.g., methotrexate;
  • immune depressant-type cyclosporin A, suppress the occurrence of autoimmune processes;
  • corticosteroids for internal use;
  • biologically active substances and alefacept Avastin that block the reproduction of abnormal cells.

Taking these drugs is carried out only under medical supervision.

Folk remedy for psoriasis on the face

Treatment of psoriasis on the face folk remedies also gives a positive result, but only when used under the supervision of a physician and combined with other methods of combating the disease. The basis of traditional medicine – natural ingredients, so they are recommended even in the treatment of children. Recommended a variety of herbal tinctures, baths with medicinal decoctions, ointments and masks for facial psoriasis, cooked "grandma's recipes". For example, soothe skin salt mask imposed on pre-cleaned face (best suited sea salt), tar, masks and ointments. Good impact also, sea buckthorn oil, which has both external and internal use, as well as lavender and coconut oil. It is recommended the consumption of vegetables that contain carotene, pumpkins, fruits with red and orange color. A certain result is also given homeopathic remedies.

Despite the complexity of the disease is an essential part of treatment of psoriasis on the face at home (with rare exceptions). The importance of precise execution of medical prescriptions, including:

  • careful hygiene of the skin and prevent it from various kinds of negative impacts: mechanical, climatic, ecological;
  • dieting, especially during periods of exacerbation of psoriasis on the face. Should completely refrain from irritating and allergenic products, tobacco and alcoholic products;
  • periodic visit of dermatologist

And now the answer to the main question: how to get rid of psoriasis on the face?

Unfortunately, to cure the disease completely impossible. However, carrying out doctor's orders, respecting preventive measures and supporting the right mental attitude, it is possible to increase the duration of periods of remission, maintaining a high quality of life.